Bachelor's Programs Fees
Bachelor's Programs Fees

FAQ for Tuition

The tuition fee is listed in Russian rubles.

The tuition fee for dual degree programs for the period of study at BSU is specified in Russian rubles, for the period of study at a Chinese partner university - in Chinese yuan.

To convert prices to your own currency, use the currency converter.

Annual tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is listed.

International students can pay tuition by period: for the entire academic year or by semester.

When paid by semester:

  • the amount of payment for the first semester (4 months of training: September - December) of each academic year is 40% of the annual tuition fee,
  • the amount of payment for the second semester (6 months of training: January - June)) - 60%.

Students must pay for the selected period of study (academic year or semester) no later than 10 days prior to its start.

Important! Applicants are enrolled in BSU for the first year only after full payment of the first semester of study within 3 working days from the date of receipt of funds to the BSU account.

Payment should be made in Russian rubles by bank transfer to the settlement account of Baikal State University in a Russian bank according to the bank details specified in the contract.

The period of study in Russia is paid to Baikal University in Russian rubles, the period of study in China is paid to the partner university on its settlement account in a PRC bank in Chinese yuan.

Cost of tuition for the 2024-2025 school year

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