Medical Examination and Fingerprinting
Medical Examination and Fingerprinting

Medical Examination and Fingerprinting

For international students, staff and employees

All foreign citizens (except for citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens with dual citizenship, one of which is Russian citizenship, foreign citizens holding temporary or permanent residence permits (“temporary residence permit”, “residence permit”)) who have entered the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory medical examination, as well as independent state fingerprint registration (fingerprint examination) and photographing.

(in accordance with Federal Law dated July 1, 2021 No. 274-ФЗ)

Supporting documents

In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 274-ФЗ dated July 1, 2021, foreign citizens and stateless individuals are required to have the following supporting documents in order to be legally present in the territory of the Russian Federation:

Supporting documents №1

Medical Examination Document

Issued by authorized medical organizations.

Valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

Supporting documents №2

Confirmation of passing the mandatory state fingerprint registration and photo registration

Issued by the local authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Issued once, regardless of the number of entries/exits to the Russian Federation.


Failure by foreign citizens and stateless persons to comply with the obligation to undergo mandatory procedures (mandatory state fingerprint registration, photo and medical examination) within the established time limits entails a reduction in the period of their temporary stay in the Russian Federation.

(Article 5, paragraph 23 of Federal Law No. 115-ФЗ of July 25, 2002 “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”)

Timing of procedures

Russian legislation establishes different time limits for procedures from the day of entry.

Foreign citizens who arrived in the Russian Federation after December 29, 2021:

For the purpose of labor activity, including teachers
For other purposes, including students

Steps of the procedures

Step 1.

Prepare copies of documents in advance:

  • passport - 2 pcs.
  • migration card
  • migration registration notice
  • visa (if available)

Step 2.

Passing a medical examination

Pass a paid medical examination (cost - at least 4500 rubles) with the specified set of documents (copies and originals), after which a date is set for receiving the results (approximately 5 working days).

Step 3.

Receiving the results of the medical examination

If the examination reveals a disease that poses a danger to others, including COVID-19, additional examinations may be scheduled or a decision may be made to reduce the period of temporary stay for a foreign citizen in Russia.

This document is submitted to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for mandatory state fingerprint registration and photographing.

In case of loss, a duplicate can be issued within three months.

Step 4.

Acceptance of medical documents, fingerprinting and photographing

Acceptance of medical documents, dactyloscopy and photographing is carried out at the State Budgetary Institution “Migration Center” at the address: 117, Dekabrskikh Sobytii Street, Irkutsk, with the above set of documents.

At the end of the procedure, a laminated form (card) with a photo image and identification data of the owner is issued or a date is set on which it is necessary to arrive at the competent authority to receive the card.

Expiration date of medical documents

Medical documents have a limited validity period - Certificate, medical opinion are valid for 12 months from the date of their issuance. (in edition of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from 21.02.2022 N 94н). It is necessary to pass medical examinations in advance so that all documents are up to date.

The terms of validity of medical examination documents are established by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1079н of November 19, 2021 “On Approval of the Procedure for Medical Examination...”.

Medical re-examination

When is the medical examination re-evaluated

A medical re-examination is required 1 year from receiving the results.

After expiration of this period foreign citizens are obliged within 30 calendar days to personally reapply for medical examination, obtain medical reports and submit them to the State Budgetary Institution “Migration Center”.

Where the results are submitted

New medical reports are submitted in person by a foreign citizen to the State Budgetary Institution “Migration Center” at the address: Irkutsk, 117, Dekabrskikh Sobytii St. (where you underwent fingerprint registration).

Migration registration authorities carry out checks in respect of foreign citizens to ensure that they have up-to-date medical reports.

What happens if I fail to follow the procedures?

The following sanctions may be applied to those who fail to undergo the specified procedures or undergo them in violation of the deadline:

  • administrative fine,
  • reduction of the period of stay of a foreign citizen in Russia.