Bachelor’s degree's degree program

Business Administration (Russian-Chinese double degree program in Shenyang)

International Faculty
Outcome (diploma/credits)

Bachalor of Management

Language of study

Russian & Chinese

Application deadline

20 August 2024

Dual degree

Russian & Chinese

Duration, Format, Tuition Fees
4 yearsFull-time180 350 ₽


This program is for those who want to work for national or international companies in Russia and abroad. You will study the contemporary approaches to management, cross-cultural peculiarities of running a business and HR-management, Business English (or other languages) and other courses that will enable you to become a sought-after specialist.

Our advantage is practical training: master-classes and workshops with business executives and apprenticeship at national and international companies.

We use an inter-disciplinary approach to training: we combine enhanced study of courses on Management with other Humanities on Economics, Law, and Psychology that are taught through both traditional and innovative methods. The program provides opportunities for our students’ communication and interaction with highly qualified teaching staff as well as with successful top managers of Russian and international companies.

You will have an opportunity to participate in students exchange programs and/or take an internship in foreign companies.

In the context of this double degree program, students study 2 languages, the main one is Chinese. Two years of study in China and summer internships ensure the successful passing of the Chinese Language Proficiency Test (HSK) and a bachelor's degree from Shenyang Polytechnical University.

Education within the framework of the double degree program is carried out in Russian and Chinese by highly qualified teachers of BSU who have completed internships in educational institutions of China, as well as professors and teachers of Shenyang University, including use of distance learning methods.

Training in this educational program is characterized by a practical orientation. Master classes, seminars for business representatives, practice in Russian and international companies with possible subsequent employment are held during the educational period. Active teaching methods are used in the educational process. The training is conducted by experienced teachers of the department as well as representatives of business structures.

The double-degree educational program in the specialty of “Management” combines the classic educational program in management, as well as specialized training

In Russia

2 years
In China

2 years


The combination of a classical educational program with specialized training forms universal competencies that are in demand in the business environment.

Key courses

  • Strategic management;
  • Financial management;
  • Project management;
  • Human resource management;
  • Leadership;
  • Organization of entrepreneurial activity;
  • Legal foundations of management activities;
  • Conflict management and negotiation;
  • Brand management;
  • Multimedia technologies.


  • at enterprises of all the sectors of national economy, conducting foreign economic activity (in the field of logistics and sales, tourism and hospitality, advertising);
  • in joint ventures;
  • in international logistics companies;
  • in foreign companies in Russia and abroad;
  • in international departments of financial and industrial, insurance and investment companies;
  • in institutions of the financial and credit system;
  • in specialized foreign trade organizations;
  • in the customs authorities;
  • in the international departments of state and local government bodies;
  • in higher educational institutions.