BSU foreign students defended their diploma theses

BSU foreign students defended their diploma theses

Education 6/18/2024

Defense of graduate qualification works of foreign students took place today at the Department of International Studies of Baikal State University. These students study under joint educational programs and double degree programs. The partner University of BSU is the Manchurian Institute of Russian Language.

Chinese linguistics graduates in 2024 prepared interesting works on Russian as a foreign language. Among their topics are "Trends in the use of jargonisms in the language of mass media", "Features of colloquial style in Valentin Rasputin's stories", "Neologisms in the beauty industry: structure, semantics, pragmatics", etc.

"For foreigners, it's very difficult. Not just to analyze vocabulary, but also to study abnormal vocabulary, neologisms. For example, our excellent student Miao Dawei studied the beauty blogs of our young people and analyzed them. He examined these texts in terms of semantic structure. When our graduates enter the master's program, such topics of works are very much appreciated. There is an interesting topic on euphemisms. A new dictionary on euphemisms has been recently published. Our Department always monitors the release of new dictionaries. They need to be analyzed and for foreigners this topic is also interesting. I sincerely admire these guys when I see how difficult it is for them, because they need not only to speak Russian well, but also to write a scientific paper, answer questions competently and be on point," says Dean of the BSU Department of International Studies.

It should be noted that, six graduates of the class of 2024 intend to enter the master's program of Baikal State University and intend to teach. These people sincerely love our country. Some are staying in Russia to get a high level of language, which is possible only by living in a language environment. In the future they want to become candidates of science, because after graduating in Russia, they become professors in their home country. There are no doctoral degree theses in China. There are several PhD students studying at BSU at the moment.