Russian Literature Thematic Meetings for International Students of BSU

Russian Literature Thematic Meetings for International Students of BSU

Life 5/10/2024

Thematic meetings on Russian literature “The Life and Work of I. S. Turgenev” were held at the International Faculty for international students studying at the Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication. The events were held within the framework of the academic disciplines “Russian Literature” and “Interpretation of Fiction Text”.

The Chinese students prepared stories about the most interesting episodes of I. S. Turgenev's life and works, presented expressive reading of fragments from the writer's works. Special attention was paid to I. S. Turgenev's “Prose Poems”, and many Chinese students read the famous text of the writer “Russian Language” by heart.

Foreign students studying “Linguistics” at Baikal State University study not only Russian language, but also Russian literature and culture.

The study of Russian language, Russian literature and culture seems to be important for Chinese students, many of whom connect their future professional activity with Russia, with Irkutsk, with the work of a guide and interpreter of Russian for Chinese tourists, as well as with the work of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language for Chinese pupils and students in China.