Master students of the International Faculty visited the Chinese Art Exhibition

Master students of the International Faculty visited the Chinese Art Exhibition

Life 10/25/2024

First-year master students of the BSU International Faculty took part in the grand opening of the exhibition of Chinese art “Journey to the Celestial Empire”, which took place in the main building of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. The exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic of China and is organized within the program of the Years of Culture of Russia and China.

The exhibition includes three expositions. The museum staff has renewed the permanent exposition of Oriental art, which will now be fully devoted to China. Here you can see the best examples of Chinese art from the museum's collection, which includes more than 1800 works and is one of the largest among regional museums. The museum library has prepared an exposition of rare editions on art, which introduces unique books, albums, catalogs, published in the People's Republic of China in 1949-1959. In addition, the museum has prepared an exhibition of works by contemporary Chinese artists. The exhibition includes scrolls made in the traditional manner of Chinese painting by professional artists.

“Chinese master students of the BSU International Department, previously studying under the bachelor's degree program, during their academic practice prepared and conducted excursions to the Art Museum in Russian and Chinese for foreign students of the preparatory department, as well as translated into Russian annotations of Chinese books on art, so they were pleased to see once again familiar exhibits and books, but most importantly - it was interesting to see the exhibits in the new hall of Chinese art”, - says Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication.