Bachelor's Degree Programs of School of Culture, Public Communications and Information Technologies
School of Culture, Public Communications and Information Technologies
Bachelor's Degree Programs of the Institue
09.03.03 Applied Informatics
Bachelor’s degree
4 years
4,5 years
4 years
4,5 years
37.03.01 Psychology
Bachelor’s degree
37.05.02 Psychology in Power Structures
Specialist's degree
38.03.05 Business Informatics
Bachelor’s degree
39.03.02 Social Work
Bachelor’s degree
42.03.01 Advertising and Public Relations
Bachelor’s degree
42.03.02 Journalism
Bachelor’s degree
JournalismSchool of Culture, Public Communications and Information Technologies of BSUin Russian
4 years
50.03.01 Art and Liberal Arts
Bachelor’s degree
50.03.02 Fine Arts
Bachelor’s degree