General information
General information

Full name of the University

The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Baikal State University"

Abbreviated name of the University

  • Baikal State University
  • Baikal University
  • BSU

Date of foundation of the University

August 11,
The Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (the government) adopted a resolution on the reorganization of Irkutsk State University and the opening of a separate Siberian Financial and Economic Institute in Irkutsk - the first higher education institution in Siberia and the Far East to educate specialists in economics and finance. Little history

BSU address

664003, 11 Lenin St., Irkutsk,

Administration Contacts

+7 (3952) 52-26-22
+7 (3952) 52-26-33 (Fax)

Operation mode

Monday - Saturday
8 a.m. - 10 p.m. (local time GTM +8)

Start of classes at 8:30 a.m.

Head of BSU

Acting rector of BSU

Oleg P. Gribunov

Doctor of Law, Professor

Rector contacts

664003, 11 Lenin St., building 3, office 302, Irkutsk, Russia

+7 (3952) 500-008, extention # 102

Founder of BSU

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

The founder contacts

125993, 11 Tversaya St., Moscow, Russia

+7 (495) 547-13-07


Legal documents

BSU statute

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in Russian

Certificate of state accreditation

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in Russian

License for educational activities

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in Russian

Branches of BSU

Chita Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Baikal State University"

672000, 56 Anokhin St., Chita, Russia

+7 (3022) 32-34-21, +7 (3022) 32-59-76


Branch of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Baikal State University" in Ust-Ilimsk

666673, 20B Lenin St., Ust-Ilimsk, Russia

+7 (39535) 7-30-05
