Baikal State University

International Students

Admission and Studying

Why BSU?

Baikal State University is a great choice for highly motivated young people interested in professional development in wide range of spheres.

The core mission of BSU is entering global higher education market with various contemporary Bachelor`s, Master`s and doctorate programs and providing high quality of teaching and staff development.

BSU has strong partnership relations with many foreign universities through educational activities, international research, faculty and students exchange. The valuable outcomes of BSU international cooperation resulted into a membership in numerous educational research associations, foreign students’ enrollment growth, academic mobility promotion, double-degree programs development, holding international research events and other.

Timeline BSU
Baikal State University has been operating as a higher educational institution since 1930. At that time, it was established by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR as the Siberian financial and economic Institute.
The Institute started training engineers and technology specialists
The Institute was reorganised into the Institute of National Economy, which became a pillar of regional multisector economic development in Eastern Siberia and the Far East and Mongolia
The Institute started training specialists in Sociology
The Department of Mathematical Methods and Computing Devices was established. It later developed into the Department of Information Systems
The Institute started training specialists in Public Administration
The Department of Commerce introduced a new programme, i.e. East Asia Economy, which offered an advanced course in oriental languages
The Law Department was founded
The University started training specialists in Journalism and Linguistics
First students enrolled to major in Psychology
The University launched Master’s degree programmes in Economics, Law, Management and Social Work
The University started training Bachelors in Forestry, Cadaster and Land Management
The University became a classical university – Baikal State University
First enrollment for Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Linguistics. After a 50-year break, the university resumed training specialists in Agriculture

Baikal State University today

  • 5 departments (Management and Finance; State and Law; International Economy and Relations; National Economy; Culture, Social Communication and Informational Technology); 1 faculty (International faculty);
  • 15,000 students;
  • 526 faculty members, including 70 professors with post-doctoral degrees and 290 teachers with PhDs;
  • 30 beautifully designed buildings with modern equipment and faculties to train 15,000 students;
  • leisure center for students (movie theatre);
  • unified network with the Internet access, library with 1billion books, 6 reading halls and an electronic library system;
  • publishing house;
  • 10 research journals;
  • TV studio.