Baikal State University

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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Students and teachers of BSU were praised with certificates and letters of acknowledgement

At the May meeting of the Academic Council of the Baikal State University, a number of students and teachers of the university were awarded with certificates of honor, diplomas, diplomas of various degrees, and letters of gratitude.

Students of Baikal State University Ekaterina Punicheva and Timur Ivanov were awarded diplomas of the Irkutsk Regional Public Organization of Afghanistan Veterans and Combat Participants for patriotism and active participation in the youth heroic-patriotic action "Flame of Pride for Victory".

Third-year student Bayasgalan Ariunbold (Mongolia) and first-year student Montano Andrade Mariuxi Elizabeth (Ecuador) were awarded the diploma of Baikal State University for their active participation in the career guidance activities of the University, high responsibility in the preparation of information and advertising materials, assistance in promoting the BSU brand abroad and successful studies.

BSU students Diana Kokourova, Arina Lukyanenko, Inga Prokopieva were awarded the first degree diploma of Irkutsk State Transport University for high scientific achievements presented at the regional student scientific and practical conference "Foreign Language for Professional goals" (she was also awarded a diploma in the nomination "Topicality of the studied topic "). The student of the Baikal State University Efim Tsybaev received the diploma of the II degree. All students are taking part in the conference represent the Institute of World Economics and International Relations of BSU.

Nadezhda Balashova, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Human Resources Management of BSU was awarded with a letter of gratitude from Baikal State University for many years of conscientious work, high results in professional activity and a great contribution to the training of specialists in the field of personnel management. Diana Stepanenko, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Examinations and Legal Psychology of BSU, was awarded the gratitude of the Center for the Development of Legal Clinics for the active promotion of the ideas of clinical legal education at the university.

Letter of gratitude from the Minister of Sport of the Irkutsk Region for assistance in organizing and conducting the Athletics Relay dedicated to Victory Day were awarded to Alexander Prelovsky, senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Support of National Security of BSU, and Dmitry Nikerov, Associate Professor of the Department.

Rector of Baikal State University, Professor Viktor Ignatenko, was awarded a letters of acknowledgement from the Ministry of Sports and in honor of the 100th anniversary of the physical culture and sports organization of the Irkutsk region. In the letter, in particular, it says: "For the great contribution to the development of student sports, for the attention and support provided by Baikal State University and you personally in the formation of young athletes on the way to achieving high sports results."

Baikal State University was also awarded with such letter from the Rosreestr administration for the Irkutsk Region for participating in the scientific and practical geodesic quest #Savethe Geodesicpointtogether.