Baikal State University

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Friday, May 12, 2023

Students of the International Faculty of Baikal State University have won seven prizes

The annual interuniversity Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language tool place in International Institute of Economics and Linguistics of Irkutsk State University. It was dedicated to the Year of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication. Students of the International Faculty of Baikal State University took part in this Olimpiad.

In 2023, the Olympiad was held in face-to-face format, which allowed foreign students to fully demonstrate their knowledge of the Russian language. Students attended the event are from Indonesia, China, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Guinea, Ecuador, India, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, who are currently studying at universities in Irkutsk.

Foreign students of the prepatory course represented Baikal state University as well as the bachelor's degree students in the direction of "Linguistics", who took part in all levels of the Olympiad. The results of the diligent work of students and their teachers were seven prizes out of twelve

Elementary level (A1):

Carrera Chica Nadian Nayerli (responsible for training – senior teacher Ryumkina V.G.) and Lu Siya (responsible for training – senior teacher Egorova N.B.) shared the first place.

Ding Xiangwen (responsible for training – senior teacher Egorova N.B.) took the second place.

Basic level (A2):

Second place – Patil Narain (responsible for training – teacher Zakharova E.V.)

I certification level (B1):

Cao Yucheng and Xu Minting (responsible for training – associate professor E.A. Nepomnyashchikh) shared the first place.

II certification level (B2):

Zhong Keyu (responsible for training - associate professor Skobelkina N.M.) took the second place.

The certificates of participants were received by Li Ying (group PF–2), Abulaitijiang Abudurexiti (group PF–2), Li Qiqi (BBLrki-22), Nie Qianyi (BBLrki-19).

"Students of BSU demonstrated brilliant knowledge of the Russian language at all levels of the Olympiad," says Anna Litovkina, Dean of the International Faculty of BSU.