City interuniversity intellectual-creative game "China-Battle" was held yesterday at the Scientific Library V.G. Rasputin. Students learning Chinese language took part in the game.
Baikal State University was represented by the International Faculty students. The organizers of the game (Irkutsk State University) prepared the most difficult tests for the team members. They competed in musical, poetic, dance, artistic and culinary skills and talents in ten rounds. Participants showed their intellectual abilities in cultural-historical, grammatical, hieroglyphic and colloquial rounds.
The International Faculty team won the first place. Our students have shown real team spirit and solidarity from the very beginning, introducing themselves as the "Union of word and deed". The audience and the jury admired the picture of our student Altana Badmayeva, who painted it for several days especially for the competition.
“Our students easily coped with the proposed tests and won! Nowadays learning Chinese can be not only for educational purposes, but also for the development of active and creative abilities,” says Anna Litovkina, Dean of the International Faculty of BSU.