Already for a moth and a half preparations for a festival of foreign songs are going on in Baikal State University. This festival will be held on the stage of the cultural and leather center “Khudozhestvenny” (Художественный) on February 16 , 2023. First audition of the participants took place today. The commission, consisting of the Center of creativity of BSU staff and teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes, evaluated performances of the registered participants to choose 5-6 performances that will take part in the final.
“ Right now we are waiting for the representatives of the other universities:
ISU, IrGUPS, INRTU, ISMU. Students from these universities are already preparing
for the festival, because our colleagues send us questions about it and
demonstrate their keen interest. “ – says the festival organizer, an Associate
Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of BSU Marina
Students are not limited in their creative search. They choose any genre and
era, whatever they like. The most important criterion – melodiousness, beauty, a
voice, thoughtfulness of the image, a good choice of costume.
The teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes
will evaluate the correctness of intonation and speech.
It was not by chance that we called the staff of the Center of creativity to
the commission to evaluate the vocal abilities of the festival participants. And
if some of participants are not really good, they will be given direct
recommendations. We will be able to evaluate correctness and clarity of
pronunciation in English as well as in French and Chinese. Our teacher Olesya
Baklashkina for years invites her student Lera Arefieva to sing in French at
various events. This year soloists will sing in Korean, Buryat, Mordovian
languages too “- noted Marina Egorova.