Baikal State University

International Students

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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

“Harry Potter” Movie Quiz

A quiz on Harry Potter Universe was held by members of the BSU Student Union Committee. The organizers decided to please the students with an interesting game after a five-year break. The participants had to pass the quiz with difficult questions, but the event atmosphere helped them to tune in and remember all the necessary.

“We really wanted it to look like a movie or a book, that is why we distribute each student to a faculty. But I must say, that students chose in advance the faculties by themselves,” – says Ekaterina Chunenkova, a sophomore of BSU.

According to the canonical idea of the movies, the game had four faculties, under which participants were divided into teams. The quiz consisted of three parts: dedication, quiz and awards. More than 50 students were involved.

Everything in the game was though out in detail: lightning for showing presentations, welcome letter for each team, host costumes and colored ribbons.

“Ribbons indicated which faculty we belong to: red – Gryffindor, green – Slytherin, blue – Ravenclaw and yellow – Hufflepuff,” – notes Larisa Dobrovolskaya, a third-year student of ISU.

At the end of the game, each participant was awarded a coupon in a cafe, the winner-faculty was given an invitation to the trampoline park, and the best team received a special bonus – free admission to the Baikal Ice Palace. The organizers constantly hold thematic meetings, and they are planning the well-known student competition “Miss and Mister BSU” at the end of January and the big and colorful concert in the “Khudozhestvenny” (Художественный) on April 15, 2023.