Baikal State University

International Students

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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The teacher of BSU has prepared five textbooks on testing for foreign students

Natalia Egorova, Senior lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and International Communication at Baikal State University has worked with foreign students for more than 40 years. She is the author of five methodological and training manuals for international students on conducting certified testing. Natalia Egorova conducts advanced training courses at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and develops educational material for the university. Before testing, the senior teacher examines all the topics with the students. The level of training of students due to such increasing improves significantly.

"Those who do not attend preparation with Natalia Bronislavovna will definitely regret. It gives a full understanding of how the testing will take place," says Anna Litovkina, Dean of the International Faculty of BSU.

The distinctiveness of Natalia Egorova's textbooks is that in one of them all the tasks are translated into Chinese, in the other all the tests are performed on local topics. It is based on conversations with Dashi Namdakov and Valentin Rasputin This gives not only knowledge of the language, but also the basics of regional studies. The practice of passing the speaking test comes along with questions, which are asked during exams. Each task trains the ability to express thoughts in Russian.