Baikal State University

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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

BSU hosted a conference on relations between Russia and APR countries

The international scientific-practical conference "RUSSIA AND APRICAN COUNTRIES: DIALOGUE OF CULTURES (TRADITIONS AND MODERNITY)" dedicated to the relationship between Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region was held at Baikal State University.

For eleven years, the International Department of BSU has organized the conference. In 2024 students attended the conference from Irkutsk universities such as: BSU, International Institute of Economics and Linguistics, many regions of Russia and four foreign countries - China, Mongolia, Togo and Chile. The participants were divided into five sections. The reports of the participants reflected the topics of media communications, problems and prospects of international education, intercultural relations between Russia and China.

Oleg Gribunov, first vice-rector - vice-rector for scientific work of BSU, Mikhail Kuz’min, vice-rector for international relations, and Anna Litovkina, dean of the international faculty opened the conference.

"Our conference is a platform where students discuss strategic important issues. We are very pleased that the student scientific society - young scientists pay attention to such topical issues of international relations," said Oleg Gribunov, the first vice-rector - vice-rector for scientific work of BSU.

Mikhail Kuz’min, Vice-Rector for International Relations of BSU, noted during his speech that intercultural communication in the current rapidly changing world environment is of particular importance, as understanding the peculiarities of another country's culture is the basis for successful diplomatic interaction. It is even more important that knowledge of the language, culture and philosophy of other nations allows building mutually beneficial friendly relations at the interpersonal, interregional and interstate levels.

The plenary session included a series of reports on topical topics concerning educational contacts between Russia and China after the pandemic, the international image of the two countries, and the educational discourse of domestic and foreign bloggers.