Baikal State University

International Students

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Monday, October 23, 2023

Hollywood in "Khudozhestvenny"

The student council of the BSU Institute of Justice organized a party for first-year students. This year the theme of the initiation into students was Hollywood Star Factory. The participants showed a variety of nuances of legal processes through game scenes of foreign cinema. Senior students in the role of presenters of the Oscar ceremony called to the stage as the guest of honor the director of the Institute and announced number after number.

Here you could see a courtroom, a lawyer's office, a prosecutor's office and even a crime scene. The students played the roles of police officers, judges and investigators. They not only learned the text well, but also thought over the costumes and demeanor. One of the participants even used makeup to look like a real African-American lawyer.

The chance to show their acting skills is not every day, so freshmen did not miss the opportunity to participate in this bright and interesting show. Such mass events with a thematic bias in the Institute of Justice plan to continue. The annual "Recitation Contest" and "Lawyer's Day" are waiting for students.

"We gladly accept new students into our ranks. We see how talented they are. We see the potential of everyone and are happy that we have so many beautiful, interesting and smart guys in our ranks," - said the director of the Institute of Justice BSU Elena Foigel.