Bachelors, specialists and master's students graduated the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. The day before, 39 graduates of the Institute graduated with honors. Today it is the turn of other graduates.
Before handing diplomas to the graduates with a farewell address the
teachers, who during all these years of study at the university were near their
"It is very pleasant today to see our graduates so beautiful, so mature and
to realize that the years of education were not in vain. I would like to wish
that their professional life will be successful and they will find their
favorite job, which will please them", - says the head of the Department of
World Economy and Economic Security Oksana Chepinoga.
Irina Tsvigun, director of the Institute of World Economy and International
Relations, presents the diplomas.
"This is a very joyful and sad moment at the same time. Because today we are
seeing our graduates off to adulthood. Each teacher puts a piece of their heart
into each of them - both in the excellent student and in the one who does not
succeed in something, but tries and moves forward. Saying goodbyes is never
easy. And we hope that in their place will come new, no less interesting
students, whom we will be happy to teach. - says Irina Tsvigun. - We are fully
confident in our graduates. Today our graduates are in demand in their
profession many of them occupy key positions in our region, in Moscow, in St.
Petersburg, in China and even in Europe. They are high-level specialists, and
this is the most important thing.