The architectural complex "House Europe" honored young scientists, excellent
students, social activists and sportsmen. Students from 49 universities,
technical schools and colleges received personal scholarships from the Mayor of
Irkutsk. Ruslan Bolotov noted the important contribution of each participant of
today's celebration to the strengthening and development of the Russian society
and state. And once again reminded that first of all our region needs bright
heads and strong hands. Both scientists and sports stars are more than
Five students of Baikal State University were rewarded with the Mayor's
scholarship: Timur Gulyaev (Institute of Justice), Ekaterina Dzhivago (Institute
of National Economy), Ksenia Domashenkina (BSU College), Daria Ilyina (Institute
of State Law and National Security), Artem Vityazev (Institute of Management and
Ksenia Domashenkina told about her achievements: "We played at the
championship among secondary specialized educational institutions, took first
place. Also there were competitions among colleges, where we also got the first
After the solemn part, a frank dialog with the mayor took place. In
conclusion, Ruslan Nikolayevich proposed to create an encyclopedia of
scholarship holders so that the names of the best students of Irkutsk would be
known to the young talents of the next generations.